Mihai Grecu

Mihai Grecu was born in Romania in 1981. After studying art and design in Romania and France, he has been pursuing his artistic research at the Fresnoy Studio of Contemporary Arts. Recurring topics such as environmental crisis, political allegories, new technologies and catastrophes articulate the whole of his exploration of mysterious and subconscious beginnings. These visual and poetic trips mix several techniques and may be seen as propositions for a new dream-oriented technology. His work has been shown and awarded in numerous film festivals (Tribeca, Locarno, Rotterdam, Festival of New Cinema in Montreal) and exhibitions ("Dans la nuit, des images" at the Grand Palais, "Labyrinth of my mind" at the Cube, "Video Short list: the Dream Machine" at the Passage du Retz, "Studio" at "Les Filles du Calvaire" Gallery).

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Step into the surreal realm of Mihai Grecu's "Ainimals," an exhibition that defies conventional boundaries of artistry. Since 2004, Grecu has crafted mesmerizing video art, exploring the convergence of technology, nature, and the surreal. His foray into AI-generated artistry since 2019 brings forth a world where creatures morph and transcend their earthly forms.

At the heart of this exhibition lies a fusion of the organic and the digital. Grecu's artistic vision breathes life into ethereal beings born from the boundless imagination of artificial intelligence.

These creatures, a union of machine intelligence and creative vision, blur the lines between reality and fiction, pulsating with an otherworldly allure.

"Ainimals" pays homage to an ancient artistic lineage fascinated with metamorphosis and surrealism. Grecu echoes the traditions of artists from antiquity, where mythological beings seamlessly merged with the natural world. Like his predecessors, Grecu animates AI-created animals, ushering them into our collective consciousness.



The exhibition is a testament to art's transformative power, serving as a conduit for contemplation and introspection. These AI-generated beings transcend mere representation, invoking emotions and challenging perceptions as they navigate a digital landscape.

Join us on a journey where reality and imagination converge, where AI breathes life into fantastical beings, and tradition merges with innovation. Mihai Grecu's "AInimals" invites you to witness the metamorphosis of art, a mesmerizing odyssey into the unknown.


Centipede Sun

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The birth of this project is due to the discovery of the Altiplano region in Chile. Symbol of isolation, doubled by the sublime landscape and the complex spiritual background, this region is the main character in the film. It represents a self-sufficient being, and the film is this being's portrait. The surrealistic transformations become a logical extension of the magnificent strangeness of the landscapes. These places known for the absence of any form of life on huge distances undergo a symbolic metamorphosis that provides them an internal abstract form of life. It is a geographical, mineral, colossal kind of life, based on elements which are extremely inhospitable to biological existence.


title "centipede sun"/ length 10:10/ sound Stereo/ image format HD  16/9    25fps

PRODUCTION: Mathematic Studio / Mihai Grecu/ Arcadi/SCAM

Adresse: Arcadi
51, rue du faubourg Saint-Denis
CS 10106 - 75468 Paris Cedex 10

contact: Julien Taib    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

01 55 79 00 00

director: Mihai Grecu

music/sound: Herman Kolgen

image: Enrique Ramirez

editing/montage: Momoko Seto

adresse réalisateur/ adresse distribution/adresse production

Mihai Grecu

c/o Seto, 73 avenue d'italie, b55


format prise de vue/ HD

format projection/screening tape: BETA NUM, DVD, Quick Time

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Mihai Grecu-Showreel

Mihai Grecu, Insta Videos (30 Videos, inline, excerpts)
Please click on the rectangles in the player below to view all videos.

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Fine Art Prints

Red Water, Mihai Grecu, 2020

203cm x 135cm.
Edition: 5 / 2AP

Kim Statue, Mihai Grecu, 2020

176cm x 132cm.
Edition: 5 / 2AP

Mausoleum, Mihai Grecu, 2020

203cm x 135cm.
Edition: 5 / 2AP

Fine Art Prints small (A3+)

Fine Art Print on Hahnemühle Paper.

Limited Edition: 20
Fine Art Print A3+
Frame size: L: 61,5cm x W: 44,5cm
Worldwide free shipping.

Neo Pyongyang 1

Neo Pyongyang 2

Neo Pyongyang 3


Virtual Reality Film,  production: Barberouse Films, 2020.

Tribeca Film Festival New York/Tribeca Immersive 2020

JIFA, International Festival of Art Films-Musée du Louvre, Paris 2020

The reflection of power

Experimental / 9' / 2015

This film gives a rare insight into one of the most secluded places in the world, the capital Pyongyang of North Korea. Slowly an unknown phenomenon dissolves this strange city and creates an unexpected architectural and metaphorical situation.


Huge abandoned amusement parks and abstract commercial displays are hidden somewhere between misty mountainsand windy fjords. From these places, a mysterious, colourful tsunami appears, which destroys the majestic landscape...flooded under himself.


Using 3D technology and live recordings, glucose transforms our home environment. It represents a place where where physical distortions occur. The camera becomes the microscope of a slow mental slide show and captures precious moments of the perceptual disturbance. Inspired by quantum theory, in which particles in two places can be in an overlapping state at the same time,  this anxiogenic and humorous short film gives birth to new kinds of relationships between objects and their own physical
Special features.

Centipede sun

The birth of this project is due to the discovery of the Altiplano region in Chile. As a symbol of isolation,which is doubled by the sublime landscape and the complex spiritual background, this region is the main character of the film. It represents a self-sufficient being, and the film is the portrait of that being. The surrealistic transformations become a logical extension of the great strangeness of the landscapes. These places, which are responsible for the absence of any form of life known at great distances, undergo a symbolic metamorphosis that gives them an inner abstract life form. It is a geographical, mineral, colossal life form based on elements which are extremely inhospitable to biological existence.


Dry landscapes are filled with the traces of a meta-conflict, beyond all visible political or ideological issues. A continuous and inexplicable state of crisis occupies the spaces and the view and is turning pure mineral geography into a war zone. The history of oil takes over the history.


Absence, presence and aquatic distortions in this choreography of fluids, mysterious forces twist the laws of physics and influence the behaviour of living beings in purified rooms.


An abstract dialogue between men and black dogs. In this cold and hostile atmosphere their gestures and reactions create subtle tensions. Aggression and helplessness let the bodies mutate anddistort their environment.


Mihai Grecu was born in Romania in 1981. After studying art and design in Romania and France, he has been pursuing his artistic research at the Fresnoy Studio of Contemporary Arts. Recurring topics such as environmental crysis, political allegories, new technologies and catastrophes articulate the whole of his exploration of mysterious and subconscious beginnings. These visual and poetic trips mix several techniques and may be seen as propositions for a new dream oriented technology. His work hes been shown and awarded in numerous film festivals (Tribeca, Locarno, Rotterdam, Festival of New Cinema in Montreal) and exhibitions ("Dans la nuit, des images" at the Grand Palais, "Labyrinth of my mind" at the Cube, "Video Short list: the Dream Machine" at the Passage du Retz, "Studio" at "Les Filles du Calvaire" Gallery).



„SATURNISM”, Virtual Reality Film,  production: Barberouse Films, 2020

Tribeca Film Festival New York/Tribeca Immersive 2020

JIFA, International Festival of Art Films-Musée du Louvre, Paris 2020


„THE REFLECTION OF POWER”, production: Bathysphere, 2015


Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria, Award of Distinction 2015

Jury's Special Mention, Festival de Clermont Ferrand, 2016

Best documentary, Mediterranean Film Festival, Bosnia 2017

Jury's Special Mention, festival National du Film d'animation, Carcassonne, France 2017

Jury's Special Mention, Competition LABO, Festival de Clermont Ferrand, France 2016

Jury's Special Mention, Annecy Animation Film Festival, France, 2016

Best Documentary Film, FrontDoc, Italy 2016

Best Short Film, Panorama International Coisa de Cinema, Brasil 

Best Film, Lago Film Fest, Italy, 2016

Best Experimental Film, Sapporo Short Film Festival, Japan 2016

Best director, Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival, Romania, 2016

Best Documentary Film, Astra Film Festival,Sibiu, Romania, 2016

Jury's Special Mention, Festival du Film en Plein Aire, Grenoble, France 2016

Jury's Special Mention, Tirana Film Festival, Albania 2016

Festivals Clermont-Ferrand, Festival international du film d'animation d'Annecy, Message To Man St Petersburg, DokuFestKosovo, Festival Nouveau Cinéma Montreal, Winterthur (Switzerland), Kassel DokFes (Germany), Alcine (Madrid), Curtocircuito (Santiago de Compostela), Alternativa (Barcelona), Mecal (Barcelona), FIFF Tübingen-Stuttgart, Timishort (Romania), FICFA (Canada), FIVA (Argentine), Alter-Native (Romania), Short Film Festival Leuven (Beligique), Auteur Film Festival Belgrad (Serbie) Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival (Romania), Hong Kong International film festival Society (Hong-Kong), Festival Internacional de Cine de Lanzarote (Spain), Ars Electronica Festival (Austria), Stuttgart International Festival of Animated Film (Germany), Jeonju International Film Festival (Corée du Sud), IndieLisboa (Portugal), International Festival Signs of nights (Thailande), Contravision (Germany), FEC Reus (Spain), Tampere Film Festival (Finlande), Regensburg (Germany), Shortwaves (Poland), Festival Regard sur le court (Canada), Go short Festival (Pays-bas), Kyiv International Film Festival (Ukraine), European Media Art Festival (Germany), Vienna Independents Short Festival (Austria), Festival of Nations (Vienne), Guanajuato (Mexique), Odense (Danemark), DocuTIFF (Albanie), Mediterranean Film Festival (Bosnie), Insomnia FF (Moscou), Valencia International Film festival, Sao Paulo International short film festival, Kinemastic (Malte), Future shorts, Concorto Film Festival (Italy), Filmets Badalona (Spain), Kaohsiung Film Festival (Taiwan), Milano film festival, Encounters Film festival (Bristol), Sedicicorto (Forli), la Nuit du court (Lausanne), Invideo (Milan), Cinemaforum (Varsovie), Interfilm Berlin, Animateka (Slovénie), Vilnius International Short Film Festival (Lituanie), Cairo Video Festival (Egypte), GLAS Animation Festival (Berkeley, USA), Filmfest Dresden (Germany), Nashville Film Festival, Nuits du court-métrage en Ukraine, Friss Hús Budapest International Short Film Festival, Formentera Film - International Festival of short films,documentaries and video art (Spain), FICA - Festival of Cinema and Enviromental Video (Brésil), Côté Court Pantin, Silhouette (Paris), Cinessonne, Festival de cinéma européen des Arcs, Villeurbanne, Videoformes (Clermont-Ferrand), Des courts en hiver (Porto-Vecchio), WIP Commune Image, Festival du film en plein air (Grenoble), L'étrange festival (Paris), Festival Court-Métrange (Rennes), Chacun son court (Strasbourg), Un festival c'est trop court! (Nice), festival OVNI (Nice), Festival Ciné Poème, Festival national du film d’animation de Bruz - Rennes métropole.

„WE’LL BECOME OIL”  production Bathysphere: 2013


Quality Award, National Center of Cinematography CNC, Paris, France, 2014

Best animation film, Tampere Film Festival, Finland

Best Experimental Film, Teheran Film Festival, Iran


Festivals Tampere (Finland), Rooftop (New-York), Slamdance (USA), Ljubliana (Slovénie), Vienna Independent Shorts, Teheran (Iran), Milano Film Festival, Guanajuato (Mexico), Worldwide Shot Film Festival (Toronto), Art Film Festival (Slovaquie), Odensee (Denmark), L'alternativa (Barcelone), Animatou (Genève), Naoussa Film Festival (Grèce), Bienal Imagem Contato (Brésil), Erarta Motion Pictures Festival (St Petersbourg), Future Shorts (Londres), Ex-Is Experimentl (Séoul), Alchemy Film and and Moving Image (GB), Concorto Film Festival (Italy), Gulf Film Festival (Dubai), Tamatave (Madagascar), Leuven (Belgique), Clermont-Ferrand, Nice, Aubagne, FIFE (Paris), Vidéoformes (Clermont-Ferrand)

„EXLAND” (collaboration with Thibault Gleize) 2013


MQ Residency Award, Vienna Independent Shorts, Vienna, Austria

Best Experimental Film, Message 2 man Festival, St Petersburg, Russia

Festivals Festival du Nouveau Cinéma, Montréal (Canada), Milano Film Festival (Italy),International Film Festival Palic, (Serbie), Kratokfil Plus Film Festival, (Bosnie)

Kassel Dokfest , (Germany),Vienna Independent Shorts,(Austria)

Message2man Festival ,St Petersburg, (Russia)

„GLUCOSE” (collaboration with Thibault Gleize) 2012


Arte CreativeAward, Côté Court Pantin, France

Best sound award, Sapporo Short Festival, Japan

Best Experimental Film, Naoussa International Film Festival, Greece

Best Experimental Film, Tabor Film Festival, Croatia

Public Award, Timishort Film Festival , Romania

Festivals International Film Festival Rotterdam (Pays-Bas), Milano Film Festival (Italy), Invideo Milano (Italy),Vienna Independent Shorts,(Austria), Ars Electronica, Linz(Austria),Kassel Documentary Film and Video Festival (Germany), Lausanne Underground Film

Festival, (Switzerland), BucharestInternational Experimental Film Festival (Romania), Message to man Saint Petersburg(Russia), Petaluma International Film Festival (Etats Unis), Nice Film Festival (France)

European Media Art Festival (Germany), Filmfest Dresden (Germany), Naoussa International Film Festival (Grece),Timishort Film Festival(Romania), Côté Court Pantin, Media Art Biennale, wroclaw (Poland), Videoformes, Clermont Ferrand, Sapporo Short Film Festival (Japon), Vienna Independent Shorts, (Austria), Message2man Festival ,St Petersburg, (Russia), Festival du Film d'Aubagne.

„CENTIPEDE SUN”, production Mathematic Studio, with the contribution of Arcadi Ile de France et de la S.C.A.M., Paris, 2010


Best digital art award, SCAM Paris, France 2010

Best Experimental Film, Festival Curtocircuito, Santiago de Compostella, Spain

 “Videorama” Award, Timishort, Timisoara, Romania

Best Experimental Film, Festival Internacional de cine y video alternativo, Bogota , Colombia Best Experimental Film, Festival du Film d'Aubagne, France

Festivals  International Film Festival Rotterdam (Pays-Bas), Festival Nemo Paris, Videoformes, Clermont Ferrand,European Media Art Festival, Osnabruck, (Germany), Festival Coté Court Pantin, Festival Curtocircuito, Santiago de Compostella, (Spain), Busan international Film Festival, (Coree), Rooftop Films, New York, (USA), Athens Video Art Festival, (Grece), Timishort, Timisoara, (Romania), Videox, Zürich, (Switzerland), Film Palace Fest, (Bulgarie), 25 FPS festival, Zagreb, (Croatie), Tübingen-Stuttgart, (Germany), Asolo Art Film Fest, (Italy)

Ismailia International festival for Documentary & Short films, (Egypte), Thessaloniki Short Film Fest, (Grece), Petulama International Film Festival, (USA), Malescorto, (Italy), Short Film Festival Leuven, (Belgique), Water Festival, Bangalore, (India), 4th Cairo Video Festival, (Egypte), 18th Curtas Vila do Conde, (Portugal), L'Alternativa Festival de Cinema Independent, Barcelona, (Spain), Reggio Film Festival. (Italy), Alcine, Madrid, (Spain), Transfera & Madatac, Madrid, (Spain), Festival International du Film d’Environnement, Paris, Festival du film de Vendôme, , Festival Internacional de cine y video alternativo, Bogota, (Colombie), International Festival of video art, Camagüey, (Cuba), Festival d'Aubagne, View Conference , Turin, (Italy), Cine Water to Drink, (Brasil), ViBGyor International Film Festival, (India) , Moves 11, Liverpool, (Angleterre), Mediawave, (Hungary), Semana de Cine de Medina del Campo, (Spain), EcoCup, (Russia), Naoussa International Film Festival, (Grece), Gulf Film Festival, Dubai, (Emirates Arabes Unis), Ourense film Festival, (Spain),Un pays, un film, Apchat, (France), Green Unplugged, San Francisco, (USA), Fresh Film Fest, (republique Tcheque), Videobrasil, Sao Paulo (Brasil), Festival du Film de L'environnement de Paris, Côté Court, Pantin


„COAGULATE”, production Le Fresnoy, 2008


Jury's Special MentionVideoformes, Clermont-Ferrand, France

Jury's Special Mention, Talinn International Student Film Festival, Estonia

Best video art award, Oslo screen festival, Oslo, Norway

Best video art award,EXIS Experimental Film Festival, Seoul, Korea

Festivals Split film festival, (Croatie), Asolo art film festival, Asolo, (Italy), “Temps d’images”, la Ferme du Buisson, Paris, Festival du Nouveau Cinéma, Montreal, (Canada), Cork Film Festival, (Irlande), Compass of Mystery Film Festival, Bristol, (Angleterre), Oslo screen festival, Oslo, (Norvege), Kyoto international student film and video festival, (Japon), Pantheon International Xperimental Film Festival, Nicosia, (Chypres), Winterthur International Short Film Festival, (Switzerland), Saint Petersburg Youth Film Festival (Russia), Instants vidéos, Marseille, Kassel International Documentary and Video Festival, (Germany), Optica Festival, Madrid, (Spain), Alternative Film Festival Madisz, Targu Mures, (Romania), Talinn International Student Film Festival, (Estonie), Bolzano International Short Film Festival, (Italy), Mostra InVideo, Milan, (Italy), International Film Festival Rotterdam, (Pays Bss), Clermont-Ferrand International Short Film Festival, Transmediale, Berlin, (Germany), Videoformes, Clermont-Ferrand, Aubagne Film Festival, Tampere International Film Festival, (Finlande), Videonale, Bonn, (Germany), "Ou va la vidéo", Padova, (Italy), Moves Festival, Manchester, (Angleterre), Festival Némo, Paris, International Guerilla Video Festival, Dublin, (Irlande), Film Festival Breda, Breda, (Pays Bas), European Media Art Festival, Osnabruck, (Germany), Mediawave, Gyor, (Hungary), Festival du Film Court de Castres, Kinodance, International Dance Film Festival, Saint Petersburg, (Russia), Timishort Filme Festival,(Romania), WRO Media Art Biennale, Wroclaw, (Poland), Worldwide Film Festival, Toronto, (Canada) Festival Coté Court, Pantin,

“UNLITH”, production Le Fresnoy 2007


Jury's Special Mention, International film festival Rotterdam, Holland

 Best video art award, Videoformes Clermont-Ferrand, France

Festivals International film festival Locarno, Play Forward section (Switzerland), Biennale vidéo et nouveaux médias de Santiago de Chile (Chili), International film festival Rotterdam (Pays Bas),Videoformes Clermont-Ferrand, Edinburgh Art Festival (Ecosse), Split film festival

(Croatie), Mediaschool Film Festival (Lodz) (Poland), Show Off Paris, Espace Cardin, Paris, Kinofest Bucarest (Romanie), Festival opera nuove Bolzano (Italy), Trunk - the Nordic Art Video Festival, (Sweden), Paris Tout court, Paris, Nemo Festival, Paris, Sonar film festival, firenze, (Italy), European media art festival Osnabruck , (Germany), Festival du cinéma européen, Lille, Mediawave Festival, Gyor, (Hungary), Bucharest International Experimental Film Festival (Romania), Seoul EX-IS Experimental Film Festival (Coree)


Solo Shows:

«z-land», Rolf Hengesbach Gallery, Berlin, Germany

MEP Virtuelle, Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris, France «we’ll become oil», AsifaKeil Austria, Vienna

«we’ll become oil», Rolf Hengesbach Gallery, Berlin, Germany

«coagulate », Slash Gallery, Cluj Napoca, Romania

«coagulate», Rolf Hengesbach Gallery, Berlin, Germany

«coagulate», La Panera, Art Center Lleida, Spain

«Unlith/coagulate» gallery Art Claims Impulse, Berlin, Germany

« Labyrinth of my mind », Le Cube, Issy-les-Moulineaux, France



“Filmer l'Art en VR”, Auditorium du Louvre, Louvre, Paris

„OLHO”, Museum of Moder Art, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

“Le Fresnoy- mémoire de l’imagination”, BNF, Paris, France

Apocalypse - Hengesbach Gallery, Wuppertal, Germany

„Video Forever: Animal Death”, Musee de laChasse et de la Nature, Paris Imagining Crisis - Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Taiwan

“Arte video night”, Palais deTokyo, Paris

“Loop art fair”, Barcelona, Spain

“Moving Image”, New York, USA

I SEE YOU - Kunsthalle Detroit, Detroit, MI Digital Life, USA

Liquid Landscape - MACRO Testaccio (MACRO Future), Roma, Italy

lichtsicht - 4. Projektions-Biennale Bad Rothenfelde - Projektions-Biennale Bad Rothenfelde, Germany

Accumulations - Galerie Sherin Najjar, Berlin, Germany

”Catastrophology” Arko Art Center, Seoul, Korea

17ºVideobrasil - SESC, São Paulo, Brasil

WRO Media Art Biennale 2011 - Contemporary Theatre, Wroclaw, Poland

Emaf - Kunsthalle Dominikanerkirche, Osnabruck

Höhepunkte der Kölner KunstFilmBiennale - KW Institute for Contemporary Art , Berlin

Unsichtbare Schatten - Bilder der Verunsicherung - MARTa Herford, Herford

«Mois de la Photographie», Paris, France

« Invisible Shadows », Marta Herford Museum, Herford, Germany

Vídeo Short List/Dream Machine - Museu de Arte Contemporanea de Niterói, Niterói, RJ, Brésil

Videonale 12 - Kunstmuseum Bonn, Bonn

Vidéos Europa - Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing

  • Dans la nuit, des images », Grand Palais, Paris, France Machines à Rêve / Video short list - Passage de Retz, Paris

Panorama 9-10 - Le Fresnoy, Studio national des arts contemporains, Tourcoing,  Laisle videoNONstop - Novembro Arte Contemporânea, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brésil «Sousinfluences » ADN Galeria, Barcelona + Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris



2006-2008 :Le Fresnoy National Studio of Contemporary Art, Tourcoing, France,

2004-2006 :Masters in Art, Ecole Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg, France

1999-2003 :University of Art and Design, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Markgrafenstraße 86, 10969 Berlin T+493062853095 info@art-claims-impulse.com Wed-Sat 12:00 -18:00
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